What to Look for in Solar Panels

If you are investing in solar, you want to ensure that you are selecting a product that is built to last 30+ years. You want reliable panels that won’t need to be replaced and that will produce as much electricity as possible.
At Masterpiece Solar we do that research for you and only bring the best products to the table. Here is a look as some of the requirements that we look at, in order for it to qualify as a Masterpiece:
Module Efficiency
The efficiency of the panels is how much electricity it is able to produce versus the amount of energy from the sun. Panels with higher efficiency typically cost a little more but allow you to produce the same amount of electricity with less panels.
Solar energy is a long-term investment, meaning it can last well over 30 years. Warranties help guarantee that long-term investment. Manufacturers typically offer two types of warranties: a performance warranty and a product warranty. A performance warranty ensures that your solar panels have the ability to produce electricity as they age – or stay above a specific degradation rate. Product warranties protect you against any manufacturing defects.
Masterpiece Solar also offers a third party over the top warranty with Solar Insure. We want our customers to have complete peace of mind.
Panel Style
We do our best to have a variety of options available and this includes the style of panels. Solar panels are usually either black on black or black on white. Depending on the color of your roof you may want the black on black for a more subtle look, while other clients prefer the traditional bluish appearance of the black on white.
When we show you a Masterpiece project, we will let you know the equipment we have used and explain what the thought process was for selecting it for your home.